Clone a Team Using Microsoft Graph API In PowerShell
Graph API can be used to automate Microsoft Teams lifecycle such as creating teams, channels, adding members etc. Refer to this link to see the list of Graph APIâs available for Microsoft Teams.…
Fetch Access Token To Access Microsoft Graph API Using Msal.JS
MSAL (Microsoft Security Authentication Library) is a client-side JavaScript library that helps developers fetch access token to access Microsoft APIs, Microsoft Graph, Third-party APIs (Google. Facebook) & User built custom…
Create Microsoft Teams BOT with Ruby on Rails and REST API
In this tutorial, I am going to build a bot using Microsoft Azure and use it in Microsoft Teams to interact with my Ruby on Rails Application. As of now,…
Using the Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell
The Microsoft Graph API is a service that allows you to read, modify and manage almost every aspect of Azure AD and Office 365 under a single REST API endpoint.…
Access Microsoft Graph API In Console Application
Good Moring everyone! So excited to inform you that, Microsoft Graph .Net SDK is available and it can be included in the Console Application by installing NuGet packages. GraphGraph.BetaGraph.CoreGraph.Auth Click here to…